Last night, our Secretary was delighted to pass on to members of Ashley Hill the news received from the Provincial Grand Secretary, W Bro David Keys – that the Provincial Grand Master Designate, who will take over from RW Bro John Michael Hooton in August, is our very own VW Bro Martin Geoffrey Peters. We extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to Bro Martin.
A statement on the Provincial Grand Lodge of Berkshire website reads as follows:

The Most Worshipful The Grand Master, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, has appointed V W Bro Martin Peters to succeed R W Bro Michael Hooton as Provincial Grand Master for Berkshire with effect from 1st August 2011.
Bro Martin joined Berkshire Freemasonry in 1986 when he joined the Ashley Hill Lodge No 7861, of which he was Worshipful Master in 1995. He was initiated into the Harlowbury Lodge No 7795 in the Province of Essex in 1968 and was Worshipful Master in 1976. He joined the Old Radleian Lodge No 5200 in London in 1972, being Worshipful Master in 1978 and again in 1997. In 1988 he joined Berkshire Masters Lodge and in 1990 he joined Berkshire Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge, becoming Worshipful Master in 1999. He is also a Past Master of Castle Lodge of Harmony No 26 and a member Methuen Lodge No 631 in Buckinghamshire and of Grand Stewards’ Lodge.
He was appointed a Provincial Grand Steward in Essex in 1977, being promoted to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 1980. He received London Grand Rank in 1988. In 2002 R W Bro Digby Woods appointed Bro Martin as Assistant Provincial Grand Master and in 2005 R W Bro Michael Hooton appointed him Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
The M W The Grand Master appointed Bro Martin to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1994 and promoted him to Past Senior Grand Deacon in 2003. In 2006 he invested him as Grand Sword Bearer and in 2007 as Grand Steward.
Bro Martin was exalted into the Royal York Chapter of Perseverance No 7 in 1980, serving as MEZ in 1986 and again in 1996 and received London Grand Chapter Rank in 1998 and Senior London Grand Chapter Rank in 2008. He is also a member of Mark, Royal Ark Mariners and The Ancient and Accepted Rite.
RW Bro Mike Hooton said “I am delighted that VW Bro Martin Peters is to succeed me, having given me so much support as my Deputy since 2005 and I am sure you will all join me in wishing him well in his new responsibilities.”
© 2011 Grand Lodge Berkshire