
W Bro W. C Hurley

Tuesday 8th June saw our Installation. It is the second time Bro W. C. Hurley PPAGSuptWks (Middlesex) has been in the Chair of Ashley Hill Lodge No. 7861.

The evening was well attended, including the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire, W Bro John W Nixon, PSGD.

A first for Ashley Hill, a photograph was taken after the Installation of our new WM, and lodge members. Our new WM, W Bro Hurley, is pictured on the right and we all wish W Bro Hurley a great year ahead. You can see a larger picture by clicking the image.

Our list of Officers has been updated, which can be accessed through the menu above.

Ashley Hill meets again in September, the start of our new Masonic year, where we will be Initiating a new member.

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